Monday, June 22, 2015

E3 Review and Reaction

In 2009, everything was about music video games. In 2010, everything was about motion controls. In 2013, everything was about television integration. In 2014, everything was about cooperative play. In 2015, everything seemed to about fan service. Many times I heard "We heard what you fans were saying, and we've listened." They claimed they listened and gave the fans they wanted. Whether they successfully did listen, that we will look at in this review and reaction. Just like the preview, we start off with first party developers, then go to the third party developers, and we'll go in the order of that they presented.



As I predicted, the show started off with a bang. The first thing Microsoft showed us was Halo 5: Guardians. It was the best looking Halo in the series so far. The scenery was beautiful. The characters were so lifelike, I could swear Nathan Fillion was literally in the game. Even the science fiction weapons looked real. Halo 5: Guardians fully utilizes the Xbox One. Even I, who has just started the Halo series, am looking forward to the game. Halo wasn't the only first party game to get the full treatment. Forza Motorspot 6 was introduced with a real life car. Gears of War displayed both a cinematic trailer and a game trailer. They also did show Fable Legends and Rise of the Tomb Raider, but honestly, they didn't show much more than last year. Still, Xbox did what I say they needed to do and focus on the first party games for the sake of the Xbox fanboys.

Then I said Xbox needed to demo favorite third party games for the sake the hardcore gamers. Xbox showed their array of third party developers with an assortment of games. From Bethesda, we heard about Fallout 4. From Ubisoft, we heard about Tom Clancy's Division and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Seige. From Rare, we heard about Rare Replay. Believe it or not, I think the Rare Replay was the wisest choice to show off as a third party game. A lot of the games in the Rare Replay were classics that the hardcore games would nostalgically love. But even then, Xbox took it step further. Every year I complain that the only "new games" we see are sequels to old titles. Xbox made sure they introduced fresh new games. My favorites were ReCore and Beyond Eyes. So now not only did Xbox show it was back for its fanboys, but also back for all hardcore gamers.

But it's neither the first party titles nor the third party titles that impressed me the most with the Xbox media briefing. What impressed me the most was that 2 years after the Xbox One came out, Xbox continued to add to its hardware. First, Xbox made a way for Xbox 360 games, both on disc and downloaded games, to finally become backward compatible on the Xbox One. Yeah, sure, we found it wasn't as cracked up to be. The game developers need to give permission for their games to be backward compatibile, which is easy for 1st party games, but harder for 3rd party games. Saved files need to transferred via the cloud, which means older games won't transfer because they can't save on the cloud. But they really tried, and this try was significant. When the Xbox One first came out, they made a lot of mistakes. Year by year, slowly, Xbox One began to fix those mistakes. By making Xbox 360 games available on the Xbox One, Xbox finally fixed the last and biggest mistake. But it doesn't stop there. To compete with PlayStation's Project Morpheus, Xbox showed its compatibility with Occulus. But it didn't even stop there. Xbox took it a step further. Xbox demonstrated how the Microsoft HoloLens is compatible with Xbox games. They demonstrated Minecraft augmenting reality. It was amazing. I haven't been this amazed since Kinect was first demonstrated as Project Natal. This technology put Microsoft HoloLens  ahead of Sony's Morpheus.

With the first party games, Xbox caught up with the Xbox fanboys. With the third party games, Xbox caught up with the hardcore gamers . With the new hardware technology, Xbox took the lead and wins this E3 among the first party developers.

+Positives+: Continuing to develop old franchises, full support
from 3rd party developers, new game ideas, advancing the hardware (especially backward compatibility)
-Negatives-: Nothing new about Rise of the Tomb Raider or Fable Legends, the car coming down from the ceiling was a little gimmicky, backward compatibility isn't the best
~Top 3 Games~: ReCore, Beyond Eyes, Halo 5: Guardians
*Medal*: Gold


I almost feel bad giving Sony the silver. They did everything I said a good first party's press conference should do. They introduced brand new games. I counted at least 6 specifically discussed. In fact, the first two games introduced were brand new, The Last Guardian and Horizon: Zero Dawn. Both of these games won the audience over. PlayStation also utilized many 3rd party games in its presentation to show their 3rd party backing. From Activision, we saw Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Destiny: The Taken King. From EA we saw Star Wars Battlefront. From Square Enix, we heard about the Final Fantasy VII remake. From Ubisoft, we heard about Assassin's Creed Syndicate. On top of that, PlayStation showed off some sweet 1st party games. My favorite was Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, presented at the end. This might be the best Uncharted game yet. Like, I said everything a good conference needs.

There is only one that they lacked, and Microsoft took the lead. That was in the hardware. Sony had nothing to the hardware, with neither the PlayStation 4 nor the PS Vita. The closest when it came to hardware was Project Morpheus. But there wasn't much to it. We pretty much just heard about it; no demonstrations. In light of Occulus, it's a copycat, and in light of HoloLens, it's behind. That's why Sony falls to second, but a close second at that.

+Positives+: Lots of brand new games, full 3rd party support
-Negatives-: Not a lot on Project Morpheus, very little on the PS Vita
~Top 3 Games~: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, The Last Guardian, Shenmue III
*Medal*: Silver


One could say the Nintendo's E3 began on Sunday. On Sunday, Nintendo held its first Nintendo World Championships in 25 years. The Nintendo World Championship demoed a lot of the games that Nintendo would present at E3, including Metroid Prime: Federation Force and Super Mario Maker. The championship also demoed newer DLC of older games, like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. Speaking of Super Smash Bros., on that same day Nintendo released DLC for the latest Super Smash Bros. The DLC included the characters Lucas, Roy and Ryu. Each of these characters represented a new game that would be talked about at E3. Roy represented Fire Emblem Fates. Lucas represented Mother finally coming to the U.S. as Earthbound Beginnings, which was also released on this Sunday. This got the Nintendo fanboys excited about what was coming. They had high expectations for the Digital Event on Sunday. That's why I mentioned that Nintendo's E3 could be considered as starting on Sunday. Because that might have been the high point of Nintendo's E3.

The high point of Nintendo's Digital Event on Tuesday, the second high point of  Nintendo's E3, was the opening of the Digital Event. The first game we got to see was Star Fox Zero. It was truly an 8th generation game. The 1080p graphics made Corneia look beautiful. I appreciate hearing about the history and about the development of the game and of the series. Truly, this game was the best Nintedo showed off at E3. The second best game was Super Mario Maker at the end of the presentation. But we heard about that last year. Sure, we learned new things, like the name changed for Mario Maker to Super Mario Maker, 16-bit is an option on top 8-bit and 1080p, and Amiibos can change the character. Once again, I enjoyed hearing about the creation of the original Super Mario Bros. That's about it. Then it all went downhill from there.

Maybe I should be more specific, Nintendo, when I said give the fanboys what they want by making more games of their favorite franchises. I meant GOOD games that advance the series in both story and gameplay, not BAD spin-offs. Your fanboys and I wanted an open-world Legend of Zelda game for the WiiU, not a co-op spin-off of Four Swords Adventure for the 3DS. When I said the fanboys and I wanted a new Metroid game, I meant a sci-fi first person shooter for the WiiU, not a sci-fi sports shooter for the 3DS. And when I was open to a new Mario game, I meant a new platformer, either a side scrolling platformer or a 3D platformer, not a Mario tennis game, not a Mario Olympics game, not a Mario RPG crossover. And a real Yoshi game would have been appreciated, not a spin-off to Kirby Epic Yarn.

On top of all that, Nintendo emphasized amiibo too much and showed too much desperation in third party support with the new Skylanders game. These are things that not lose the hardcore gamers and the Nintendo fanboys alike. One more thing I observed. The WiiU was hardly mentioned, especially in comparison to an overwhelming focus on the 3DS. Last time that happened, it was the last year of the Wii. A few months ago, Nintendo mentioned a Project NX. It could be a new controller or a smartphone for Nintendo games. But I hope I really hope it's a new console. True, it would a short console life, especially in comparison to the last generation. But like I said in my preview, Nintendo caught up, only to fall behind again. Now Nintendo must catch up again, or it might so fall so far behind, it will fall out of contention.

+Positives+: Getting people pumped with Nintendo World Championships, hearing from developers about the creations of the games, many 3DS games
-Negatives-: Too many spin-offs, too much emphasis on amiibos, lack of WiiU games, lack of support from 3rd party developers
~Top 3 Games~: Star Fox Zero (WiiU),  Super Mario Maker (WiiU), Earthbound Beginnings (WiiU Virtual Console)
*Medal*: Bronze



Bethesda didn't do too bad for their first E3 media briefing. They knew they needed to start off with a bang, and I would consider their bang to be a triple bang in one game. They opened up with Doom. They showed us the solo play, and that was a single bang. They demonstrated how the multiplayer worked, and that was the double bang. Then they displayed the mod, and that was the triple bang. Doom had so much to offer. It was awesome. I wasn't into Doom before, but now I could be. I bet many other gamers are now into it as well, too.

Not only did they start with a bang, they ended with a bang, too. The ending bang was Fallout 4. It was already well written in both game play and story. Then they made their own Pip Boy that is compatible with a Fallout smartphone app to give the player a real Pip Boy and real second screen play. That was awesome. On the side, they made Fallout Shelter, a simulation game for the iPhone and iPad. Not only is it free to play, it was available to download right after the show. Of course, I downloaded it immediately. Bethesda truly invested in the Fallout franchise, and it paid off.

In between Doom and Fallout 4, we saw Dishonored: Definitive Edition, Dishonored II, The Elder Scrolls: Legend and Battle Cry. All of these games were introduced well with trailers. My only complaint was they spent too much on Doom and Fallout 4. Fallout 4 took about 40% of the presentation and Doom took about 20% of the briefing.  This time could have been used to talk more about the other games or talk about even more games. Still, with a presentation like that, Bethesda finishes 2nd among 3rd party developers. If they keep presenting like that, they will surely win a 1st in the future.

+Positives+: Showing off all the features of Doom, the second screen feature of Fallout 4
-Negatives-: Too much time on Doom and Fallout 4, not enough time on the others, could have showed off more games
~Top 3 Games~: Fallout 4, Doom, Battle Cry
*Medal*: Silver


Well, that turned out exactly as I expected. It's the newest Madden game and the newest FIFA game. It's another Mirror's Edge game, another Need for Speed game, another Star Wars Battlefront game, another Plants vs. Zombies game. But I have to say, there was some innovation. FIFA 16 finally included women players and teams. Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 allows you to play as either plants or zombies. Star Wars: Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire brought a good story to an MMORPG, just like the fans wanted. Star Wars Battlefront allowed players to play as their favorite Star Wars characters, just like players wanted. You hear the commonality here. EA listened to the fans. As much as don't like see repetition of the same series, it's what the fans like, and EA has reached out to his fans, not only in producing sequels, but also developing the sequel. But EA is more than just sequels. They are out to make new games, too. One of such is Unraveled. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Yes, it's another game about yarn. Yes, it was weird seeing the creator get emotional about a yarn doll. But it's an original idea with an original character. I probably would have been more accepting of Kirby: Epic Yarn and Yoshi's Wooly World if Nintendo would have created an original character and original story around him. All in all, EA needs to produce new games like this if they want to embrace the artistic side of the video game industry. But if EA is satisfied with just being a business, keep making the old games for the fans.

+Positives+: Bringing new development to old games, bringing new ideas when they do bring no games, Star Wars Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire has a good story, Minion's Paradise bring more variety to EA
-Negative-: Same old games, felt like the same presentations
~Top 3 Games~: Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, Star Wars: Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire, Star Wars Battlefront
*Medal*: Bronze


Once again, Ubisoft did what it did best and demonstrated it appeals to hardcore gamers and casual gamers alike by displaying an array of game genres. Their RPG game was South Park: The Fractured But Whole. For racing games, Ubisoft brought forth The Crew Run Wild, Trials Fusion: Awesome Level Max and Trackmania Turbo. For a simulation game, Ubisoft has Anno 2205. As a music video game, Ubisoft of course has Just Dance 2016, but it now has the feature to use your smartphone as a controller. For an action-adventure game, Ubisoft showed off Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. For shooters, of course there's 3 different Tom Clancy games - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands, Tom Clancy's The Division and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. With the last 4 games, Ubisoft gave us full gameplay for us to watch. Watching this gameplay, I know what I am getting into when I buy the game. Don't think that Ubisoft is just repeating the same franchises. Ubisoft had new games, like For Honor. With games for both the hardcore gamer and the casual gamer, and with both theatrical trailers and gameplay trailers in the presentation of the games, no wonder Ubisoft wins E3 among the 3rd party developers.

+Positives+: Wide array of games and game genres, new games like For Honor, both cinematic trailers and gameplay trailers to show off games, more smartphone integration for Just Dance 2016
-Negatives-: Too many sequels, too many Tom Clancy games
~Top 3 Games~: Tom Clancy's The Division, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
*Medal*: Gold


I'm trying to give Square Enix a break because I know this is the first E3 media briefing. But the other 3 third party developers had much better presentations than Square Enix. Where Square Enix lacked so much was that it pretty much said a lot about very little. Square Enix was excited about about the new NieR game, but all we saw was some concept art and the credits, naming an all star cast. They also announced a new game under the name Project Setsuna, but the little we heard about the game. It just sounded like around JRPG. Speaking of RPGs, there was a lot of focus on RPGs. I know RPGs are Square Enix specialty, but I know Square Enix can make other games, as we will see later. They need to show that variety. There was also a lot of focus on iOS games. Square Enix first talked about the success of Hitman Go, and then announced Lara Croft Go. Once again, I would have liked to hear more about both games. It felt like an iOs game just for the sake of having an iOS game. Square Enix did have some good presentations. Square Enix started off its presentation with Just Cause 3. It was your typical Just Cause game, with crazy destruction...well, just 'cause, for a just cause. They ended their presentation with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. It looked like the perfect game for the Deus Ex series. Rise of the Tomb Raider would have been good, too, if they would told us something more than the Xbox presentation, and the Xbox presentation told us little new stuff in the first place. Altogether, Square Enix did OK for a first press conference, but if it wants to play with the big boys, it has work on it.

+Positives+: Both cinematic trailers and gameplay trailers for Just Cause 3 and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, sticking with the RPGs the know best like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, attempting to grasp the iPad/iPhone as a gaming device
-Negatives-: Too many RPGs, too much talk with very little new information about the games, too much focus on iOS games,
~Top 3 Games~: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Just Cause 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider
*Medal*: None/4th/Honorable Mention

Friday, June 12, 2015

E3 2015 Preview and Predictions

Let's face it. The only thing keeping this blog alive is my 2 annual posts: The E3 Preview and Predictions and the E3 Review and Response. So let's keep this blog barely going with my preview and predictions of E3 2015. We will start with the 1st party developers, and go in order of when they are presenting, then we'll go with 3rd party developers, once again, going in order of presentation.



A couple years ago, when Microsoft first revealed the Xbox One, Microsoft showed off its new console's capabilities, like 24/7 internet connection, needing Kinect, not needing discs, lacking backward compatibility, and the ability to recharge you for used game. The gaming world said to Microsoft, "We don't like those things." Microsoft replied, "Oh trust me, you'll love them." The gaming community replied, "Oh no we don't, we hate them," and then many hardcore games, including [previous] Xbox fan boys went over to PlayStation. Frantically, Microsoft said, "Just kidding!" and removed a lot of those so-called good "features." Even after Microsoft recanted from its previous ways, almost copying PlayStation, it was too late. Many of its fans had gone over to the other side. So at the last E3, Microsoft played it simple, reassuring the Xbox fanboys that they were still for the hardcore gamers, focusing on titles they knew were popular among hardcore gamers and keeping silent about casual games, like any Kinect games.

I expect to same the same for this year at E3. First and foremost, Xbox will focus on its first party franchises that had made the Xbox famous. Headlining them all will be Halo 5: Guardians. Following Halo 5: Guardians will be Forza Motorsport 6, Fable Legends the new Gears of War game. . Then, they will advertise "safe" 3rd party games that they know will showcase their loyalty to the hardcore games. Frontlining these games will be Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Others 3rd party games to showcase Xbox's loyalty to hardcore gamers might be Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and a sequel to Destiny. Personally, I hope Xbox will give RockBand 4 a chance to show off their latest game. Once again, I expect Kinect to barely be mentioned, if it is mentioned at all. Since Kinect is no longer their newest hardware peripheral, I suspect that Microsoft will try to pass off its tablet, the Surface, as its "handheld" gaming device. Expect to hear more about Smart Glass. I would also hope that the Xbox one will somehow have TV capabilities, too. Xbox One can already use the TV that you have. But with both competitors Sony and Google offering their own TV service, Microsoft needs to get with the times and offer the same. Will this be enough to win back the Xbox fanboys and the hardcore games alike? Time will tell.


For the past 2 years, Sony has won E3. From the look of things, the PlayStation 4 might win this console generation. Time after time, Sony has proven it is for hardcore and casual gamers alike, with both its PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation Vita. Sony has taken a clear lead against its competitors. This lead will allow Sony leniency to experiment. I expect to hear more about Project Morpheus. It doesn't need to be perfect, just enough to show Sony is willing to take the lead and advance the gaming industry. I also expect to hear more connectivity between the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation Vita. Games have been embracing touch screen controllers with the WiiU, so I expect the same for PlayStation.

This lead in the console race will allow Sony to experiment with brand new games. I'm looking forward to see the new game ideas Sony has, like Drawn to DeathThe Tomorrow Children and Until Dawn. I hope they utilize the capabilities of the PS4 to the fullest. Because of its lead in the console race, every 3rd party developers will want Sony to display its game. I would hope Sony would give failing Konami a hand, remember how faithful Konami was to Sony, and demonstrate Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Sony will have a wide array of games to chose to demonstrate its capabilities, but it will stick with that it knows best: its own games. Expect Uncharted 4: A Thief's End to headline the Sony presentation's of the PS4. It will continue to build onto an old franchise, yet introduce new ideas. Even if Sony wants to play that cautious, they have remastered versions of God of War III and Rachet and Clank. For the PS Vita, I would hope Sony would headline Tearaway Unfolded. The first Tearaway fully utilized the back touch panel. I can't wait to see how Tearaway Unfolded continues to fully utilize the full capabilities of the PS Vita. If Sony does what it knows best, which is stick to what the hardcore games like, expect it to win another E3 and come one step closer to sealing itself as the winner of the 8th generation console wars.


Once again, Nintendo has chosen to not host a press conference, but to have an online show streaming a conference of sorts. It scares me because Konami withdrew from the conference for an online show before it dropped out altogether and now is now struggling to avoid bankruptcy. I fear Nintendo may face the same fate. Nintendo hasn't had much success since the turn of the console generation. To use the metaphor of a race, Nintendo thought it caught up its competitors, huffing and puffing, with the WiiU. Then the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 came out, giving Microsoft and Sony the lead again, while Nintendo is still catching its breath. The WiiU finally gave Nintendo 1080p graphics, but the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 had better 1080p graphics, with a fresher refresh rate. The WiiU finally gave Nintendo good online connectivity, but one again the Xbox One and PS4 had better online connectivity. Nintendo promised 3rd party developers would back it, only to have all the 3rd party developers back out.

With that in mind, expect Nintendo to barely hang on with its Nintendo fanboys by appealing to them. For the Mario side of the franchise, Mario Maker will headline the conference. Why bother to make a new Mario game when the Nintendo fanboys can make one themselves? For the Legend of Zelda series, expect a new Legend of Zelda game, which will be an open world exploration game. Of course, the big news will be the new Star Fox game, since we didn't have one with the Wii. I'm hoping it will remind us of the classic games, yet will still introduce new ideas that embrace the WiiU's capabilities. Maybe Nintendo will even surprise us with a new Metroid game. As for a reach out to hardcore games, Nintendo will try with Devil's Third. I hope it works for their sake. Without it, Nintendo might go the way of the Sega and turn into a 3rd party game developer.



Since Konami is no longer having a pre-E3 press conference, I got someone has to. Bethesda has taken up this role, hosting their first ever conference of the sort. For their first conference, Bethesda should play it safe. They should advertise franchises their fans would be familiar with. So we'll see Fallout 4 and the new Doom game. It won't be enough for them to just show another game in the series. They must prove they have advanced it for the lastest console generation. Also, expect some new games. Get excited for Battle Cry. The developers of the game have good experience, so I would expect gold from them. This could be a good step forward in making Bethesda the new favorite 3rd party developer among gamers.


What do I expect for EA every year? Sequels to the previous year's game. Obviously, we'd expect that with the sports games. Expect to hear about the newest Madden game, with NFL players, and the newest FIFA game, with soccer players. But it's not just that, it's the regular EA games, too. Oh look, another Mirror's Edge game, another Need for Speed game, another Star Wars Battlefront game, another Plants vs. Zombies game. The problem with this strategy, especially for the EA Sports game, is that the technology of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One allows games to be updated with these features without needing to make a new game. Soon this strategy will run EA bankrupt. So what EA has to do is convince its audience that it is really moving each franchise forward. These games must put the latest technology of the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and even possibly the WiiU to good use. Without it, EA might just end up taking the same route as Konami.


Ubisoft has been my favorite 3rd party developers for the past few years. They have appealed to both casual gamers and hardcore gamers alike with the many game genres. The only drawback they have experienced is that their press conference has become very predictable. I can tell you what is going to happen. They will start out their press conference with Assassin's Creed Syndicate. They will go into full depth with this game, giving the audience a new trailer, gameplay from the beta, and maybe even a developer interview. In the middle, we'll hear about their new casual gamers, probably the next Just Dance title, or maybe a new Rayman or Raving Rabbids game. The presentation will end with the newest Tom Clancy installments:  Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege and Tom Clancy's The Division. While predictable, it means that Ubisoft has found something that works. So if it's not broke, why fix it? Keep doing what you're doing, Ubisoft, and you'll take home the 3rd party gold again.


With Konami dropping out of E3, E3 must have wanted to have someone to take Konami's place. I couldn't think of a better replacement than Square Enix. Square Enix is probably most famous for its Final Fantasy series, the fantasy that seems like it will never have a finale. So expect to hear the most about Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. Square Enix also has been made famous by the Deus Ex series. So the second biggest game to hear about will be Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. These 2 games alone could put Square Enix on the map as one of the top 3 third party developers. Yet I'm excited to see what new ideas they create.

I'm not going into great detail about the PC Gaming Show because PC Gaming isn't my thing. I can only say I would expect Blizzard to showcase Heroes of the Storm. But the PC Gaming Show, on top of 4 third party developers giving presentations, shows that this E3 will be action packed. I can't wait until it all kicks off in 2 days! :)