Saturday, June 25, 2016

E3 2016: Review and Response

Another E3 has come and gone, and as usual, there were winners and their were losers. Just like my preview and predictions, we'll start with 1st party developers and finish with 3rd party developers, and we'll go in the order they presented.


Microsoft Xbox

With enough years experience in E3, Microsoft has learned you need both hardware and software. Microsoft starting off with a hardware bang, announcing the Xbox One S. Of all the Xbox consoles ever made, this will be the smallest. Because of its small size. It will be the first Xbox One that can stand on its side. It small size does not mean it is watered down. Its internal hard drive will be twice as large as the original Xbox One, and it will also support 4K graphics. But what stuck out the most to the onlookers was that it was white. Color aside, the new console model announcement was a strong way to start the conference. It got people's attention and demonstrated they continued improving and upgrading the system to the latest technology. Halfway through the presentation, Microsoft gave more hardware announcements. Controllers now could be color customized, as well as inscribed. While not necessary needed to improve gameplay, it was kind of cool that Xbox players would not be limited to premade colors. At that time, they also gave more details about Oculus working with Xbox. Of course, they demoed it with Minecraft again. I would have liked to see Oculus's capabilities beyond Minecraft. Then at the end, they had one last big announcement. They announced Project Scorpio. Even though they insisted that all Xbox One hardware and software would work on Project Scorpio, it pretty much sounded like a new console. This time, they were smart enough to make everything backwards compatible. So pretty much the Xbox press conference began with, "Get a Xbox One S!" and it ended with "But that Xbox One S will be out of date in a year!" Xbox was going so strong with hardware announcements, but that last one at the end put a damper on all the rest of them.

But what good is a console if it does not have good games? They began their software announcement with a bang by viewing a new game from a series that everyone was familiar about: Gears of War.  For Gears of War 4, onlookers saw both a cinematic trailer and a gameplay demo. Any Gears of War fan would have loved it. Not far from that game, Microsoft announced that they would digitally bought games would work on both the Xbox One and Windows 10. Viewers would be constantly reminded of this, as it was announced with every game. Gears of War 4 was not the only great sequel announced. Xbox announced other sequels, like Halo Wars 2Titanfall 2State of Decay 2, Forza Horizon 3, Dead Space 4, Tekken 7 and Final Fantasy XV. These sequels announcements came with both cinematic trailers and gameplay demos, both displaying the graphical capabilities of the Xbox One. It also showed gamers how much third party backing the Xbox One had. The sequel I was most excited about was Titanfall 2, for it finally had a single player story! Better than the sequels were the brand new games Microsoft had to offer. Each one of them felt exciting for the new gameplay it had to offer. Scalebound just felt big. Sea of Thieves looked like a fun game to play with friends. ReCore you can just tell is made by an all-star group of developers.

Overall, Microsoft did have a successful conference software-wise. Xbox showed off both first party games and third party games, showing that not only could it make games for itself, but other companies wanted to make games for its console. The game had both trailers and demos, not only revealing the plot but also how to play the game. It had a huge library to meet every gaming genre. It's when it came down to the hardware that Xbox suffered.
~Best game~: Titanfall 2
*Medal*: Silver

Sony PlayStation

Sony started off their conference in the most epic way ever: with a full concerto. You know it's going to be epic when there's a full concerto playing their music. Their first song was not a random song. Conducting the concerto was the composer for the God of War series soundtrack. What a way to announce the new God of War game! They did a great job presenting the game. On top of the concerto playing the soundtrack, the audience got to see gameplay against an enemy and a full cinematic trailer. Going so long without a God of War game, the fans must be excited!

The high point of the press conference came in the middle with their discussion of PlayStation VR. When it came to the other conferences presenting VR, they only showed the potential VR could have with one game in development. This time, Sony came with a plan. Sony announced that when PlayStation VR came out,  it would already have 50 games available for the VR library. PlayStation didn't just inform the audience of those games. They showed off both cinematic trailers and gameplay footage of it. PlayStation has a plan for their VR. If anyone will make VR work, it will be PlayStation.

For those still not buying into the VR, PlayStation has a wide range of game for you, too. For the fans of Quantic Dream, Detroit: Become Human will bring you the same cinematic decision-making that Indigo Prophecy, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls brought you. For the horror fan, they presented Resident Evil 7, the scariest Resident Evil in a while. For the racing fan, they had Grand Turisma Sport. For the lover of classic games, Sony promised to remake the Crash Bandicoot series for the PlayStation 4. I loved how the COO came on the stage with a Crash Bandicoot shadow. For those of you who love new games instead of seeing sequels of old franchises (like me), PlayStation also had enough of those Days Gone, Death Stranding, Fairpoint Horizon Zero Dawn and The Last Guardian. Clearly, PlayStation has a game for everyone's taste.

The Sony press conference made you glad you had PS4 if you have one, and if you didn't have one, it made you wished you had one. The only complaints I had about the PlayStation showcase was that there was little gameplay demo in comparison to the many cinematic trailers, and they mentioned neither the PS Vita or PS Neo. Besides that, this could easily be the best showcase of E3 2016, if not the best show case of every E3 of all time.
~Best game~: Detroit: Become Human
*Medal*: Gold


Before I discuss Nintendo, yes, I am aware that Nintendo decided to forego both a press conference and a Digital Event for Treehouse Live, which covered for 2 days the games Nintendo had on the showcase floor. So to put Nintendo on fair ground with the rest of the press conferences, I will judge them based on their first 2 hours, since the longest press conference was 2 hours, and you'd suspect them to make all the big announcements right off the bat. Then I will briefly cover the other games mentioned past the first 2 hours.

Well, truth to be told, there's not much to say about the first 2 hours of Treehouse Live Virtually, they said, "This is our best 3DS game and best WiiU game" and then they presented Pokemon Sun and Moon and then the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That's it. In 2 hours. Don't get me wrong. They both great games. I'm looking forward to playing the next Legend of Zelda game. The open world concept really does feel like you're getting back to the original Legend of Zelda. And the Pokemon game was so impressive that I almost wanted to get back into the Pokemon series. The battles looked more real than ever, with more in-game choices. But that's it. For 2 hours. Here their opponents in the console wars showed off the vast variety of video game genres that their console could explore, and Nintendo present 2 games genres from 2 franchises in 2 hours. Nintendo is not catering to Nintendo fanboys; they just catered to Pokemon fanboys and Legend of Zelda fanboys. I expect more from you, Nintendo. This is quite disappointing. And it's gets more disappointing with every E3. Nintendo Treehouse Live? More like Nintendo Treehouse of Horror.

Now, to be fair, they did announce more games on the 2nd day, but those games are very lackluster. Paper Mario: Color Splash is so far off from the rest of the franchise, gamers began protesting and boycotting the game, just like they did for Metroid last year. Mario Party: Star Rush finally got away from placing all 4 players on a car(t), but with each player moving at the same time and a focus on boss battles, it still doesn't feel like a true Mario Party game. Tokyo Mirage Session #FE feels the furthest from the Fire Emblem series also. If Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Pokémon Sun and Moon made their franchises better, then all these other games made their respective franchises worse. Maybe it's a good thing that Nintendo decided to forego the press conference and decided to display those 2 games for 2 hours, for if they had a full press conference: they would have had 2 highlights, and the rest lowlights.

~Best game~: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) & Pokémon Sun and Moon (3DS)
*Medal*: Bronze


Electronic Arts (EA)

A lot of the EA press conference is what you'd expect from EA. A lot of time into their EA Sports games, like Madden and FIFA. A lot of time into shooter games, like Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2 and Mass Effect: Andromeda. And of course, all emphasized competition. I can't help but feel that was a response from the Nintendo World Competition last year. Still, with every old game or old franchise came something new. Mass Effect: Andromeda keeps the same gameplay, while bringing the story in the new story. Battlefield 1 takes the battle to World War I. Titanfall 2 finally added a single-player campaign! But more impressive than a story mode in Titanfall 2 is a story mode in FIFA 17! It's all about helping a player become a star. On top that, FIFA 17 now has added the coaches into play. But EA wasn't just about new games from old franchises. EA also showed off the brand new game Fe. While EA did show off that variety of games, it was still the same old games, even if those same old games had additional. Like I said in my preview, technology today allows games to receive DLC that EA considers updates. EA needs to add more than that to convince to make a new game.
~Best game~: FIFA 17
*Medal*: Bronze


Bethesda steps it up with their sophomore year of being at E3. With their freshman year last year, my only complaint was there was too much emphasis on Doom and Fallout 3, and not enough emphasis on their other games. Yes,this year, half of the press conference was Dishonored 2, but it was totally worth it. We saw a full gameplay demo (although not live) that fully showed all the specs of the game. This time, Bethesda displayed more of their games. We heard about everything from Elder Scrolls to Quake Champions. But it wasn't just the old franchises. Bethesda showed that it still had fresh ideas, like Prey. What I found cool was that Bethesda also talked about how they continued working on their old games. We heard about the latest DLC for Doom, Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter. I'm glad to see Bethesda is still giving showcases at E3, for they totally deserve to be on stage.
~Best Game~: Dishonored 2
*Medal*: Silver


Ubisoft had the longest press conference (not counting Nintendo Treehouse Live, obvious) at 2 hours, but it wasn't because it was dragging. It had enough stuff to jam into 2 hours, and still, it felt like it needed more time. Ubisoft started out by introducing the next game in the Just Dance franchise, Just Dance 2017.  Out of all E3 2016, Ubisoft was the only one not to abandon motion control video gaming. But  motion control gaming isn't the only new video gaming Ubisoft was willing to explore. Ubisoft brought VR to their press conference. In terms of VR, they demonstrated Star Trek VR and Eagle Flight. Both of these games did a wonderful of showing the multiplayer aspect of VR. As always, Ubisoft got the crowd excited about the future of new gameplay. Ubisoft continued to show its fans that it has a wide array of game genres for everyone. For the hack and slash gamer, there was For Honor. For the dancing gamer, there was Just Dance 2017. For the RPG gamer, there was South Park: The Fractured But Whole. For the Xtreme sports gamer, there was Steep. For the shooter gamer, there was Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands. For the racing gamer, there was Trials of the Blood Dragon. For the action/adventure gamer, there was Watch Dogs 2. Truly, Ubisoft has something for everybody. Each of these games came both with a cinematic trailer and a gamplay demo, so you knew what each game was about. Some of the games even came with interviews with the developers. Ubisoft isn't one to keep its fans in the dark, but rather, they want everyone to know about what's coming up. The only complaint I could think of was that they talked more about Assassin's Creed movie instead of the Assassin's Creed game. Yeah, I know they don't have new Assassin's Creed game coming out this year, but they could have at least teased us with an idea the Ubisoft team was playing around with. Beside that and the long length, I cannot think of any other complaints. I can easily say that Ubisoft is still my favorite third party developer, especially when it comes to E3 presentations. Ubisoft easily wins the best E3 presentation for third party developers. Way to celebrate your 30th birthday, Ubisoft!
~Best Game~: Star Trek VR
*Medal*: Gold

In closing, I have one more thought. Every year it seems like there's a "this is the year of..." Sadly, E3 2016 will be known as the "Year of Orlando Shooting tributes." The first presenters, Electronic Arts, decided they needed to do something in memory of those who died at the nightclub in Orlando. So they put on rainbow pins and gave a moment of silence in memory of those who died. It seemed like all the presenters following felt pressured to do the same, lest they would come off as cold to what had happened. So everyone changed their plans to squeeze in the moment of silence. It always felt awkward and forced, especially when transitioning back to the main presentation. Even some of the presenters commented on how awkward the transition was. Before I go on, so I don't seem cold to what happened, let me acknowledge it was indeed a tragedy. But let's be honest here: the rainbow pins and the moments of silence were just another tactic to win the crowd over, and if they didn't play to that, they would come off as losers. I've never been a fan of using tragedy to gain support (another good example is the NFL using breast cancer to try to get more female fans), and I hate to see the video game companies give into that as well. Yes, it was a tragedy, but let's not use it to compete with one another. Let's just stick to what we know: video games.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

E3 2016: Preview & Predictions

It's June, so it's time for my annual post: the E3 2016 Preview and Predictions! I will do the 1st party developers first, then the third party developers, and I will go in the order of when they are presenting at E3 this year.



Microsoft will appeal to its fanboys. First, it will appeal to them with the 1st party franchises that have made the Xbox famous. Front running the 1st party games will be Halo Wars 2. I can imagine they will announce linking between the Xbox One version and the Windows 10 version of the game. Another 1st party game to attract the Xbox fanboys will be new Forza Motorsport game. Microsoft has pushed the Xbox One to its limits to improve the Forza Motorsports series. I can't wait to see what new innovations they bring to the newest game. Microsoft will also appeal to its fanboys by demonstrating its good relations with 3rd part developers. The best to demonstrate this with is Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Microsoft has demonstrated Call of Duty games on Xbox in previous conferences, and for good reason. The Call of Duty games have always been popular on the Xbox, so it would make sense for Microsoft to display what Xbox can bring to Call of Duty. Finally, Xbox will demonstrate its loyalty to the fanboys by giving the fanboys what they appreciate the most: new games. One of which will be Sea of Thieves. It doesn't matter what genre game it is; the game will show that the Xbox is full of new capabilities and ideas, making it the perfect console for hardcore gamers.


Sony will appeal to hardcore gamers everywhere. Sony will show PlayStation has everything for everyone. Sony will present many games, from several different game genres. It will appeal to both the console gamer and the handheld gamer. We'll hear just as much about the PS Vita as we will hear about the PS4. Speaking of PS4, we will hear a lot about what new aspects the PS4 Neo will bring to the console. In addition to PS4 Neo, I expect to hear a lot more about the PSVR. Not only will Sony demonstrate its virtual reality capabilities, it will have a huge library of games to go with it. Not only will Sony appeal to the gamers, but Sony will appeal to the developers as well. Sony will display a wide array of PlayStation games made by indie developers, which will attract indie developers to make their games with PlayStation, and it will attract gamers who want to play on a system that has a huge game library. With all this, I can't see why Sony wouldn't win E3 again this year.


As demonstrated with the very recent release of the Star Fox game for the Wii U, Nintendo will continue its internal conflict to satisfy both casual gamers and Nintendo fanboys. For the Nintendo fanboys, Nintendo will remind its viewers of Pokémon's 20th birthday. Prepare yourself to hear a lot about Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Go. But Pokémon is not the only franchise that will get the fanboys riled up. The North American Nintendo fanboys will get excited when they finally get to see the Zelda game they've longed waited for the WiiU to have. HD editions of old games have been nice, but they really want a Zelda game tailored to the WiiU. I imagine it will be a wide open game to discover the world of Hyrule. It will also fully incorporate the screen of the WiiU game pad for easy access to the item inventory. Personally, I hope it will allow users to use the Wiimote as the sword, for I had so much fun with the Wiimote sword play that Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword provided. For the Japanese Nintendo fanboy, they will look forward to Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, for it will remind them of their beloved Fire Emblem series. For the casual gamers, I expect a lot of party games and a lot of multiplayer games. Most of their presentation, however, I expect to hear about Nintendo NX. Despite rumors, with the WiiU being almost 4 years old and losing the current console race, I believe Nintendo NX is the next console. I believe this next console, in order to attempt to maintain the balance between the casual gamers and the Nintendo fanboys, they will keep both the motion controls and the gamepad with the built-in screen. Since Nintendo has always been good with backward capability, the new system will play WiiU games, although maybe not Wii games. If the new console wants to keep up with the PS4 and Xbox One, it must continue to improve its graphics and online capabilities in order to attract third party developers to partner with Nintendo and stay with Nintendo. Otherwise, it will fail. Nintendo, there is no shame in copying the PS4 and Xbox One. If you don't, you might find yourself making games for them, just like Sega.


Electronic Arts (EA)

As usual, I suspect that the majority of the EA press conference will be what made EA famous: EA Sports. So prepare to hear about the games from its top 3 most famous franchises: Madden 17, FIFA 17 and NHL 17. They'll have celebrity sports players explaining the game's new features. The only problem with this is the technology of current generation of consoles allows developers to add new features that previously had to come as a new game by means of DLC. So EA is going to have convince gamers to go out a spend the full amount on a new for new features which some franchises (my beloved Rock Band, e.g.) would hand out as free DLC. That's an uphill battle. If 2K Sports were to offer that, EA Sports could easily lose the competition as the best sports game franchise. Therefore, EA has got to focus on the other dependable franchises they have.  The Battlefield series has always been a popular one, so why not lead with Battlefield 1? Not a lot of shooter games take it back to the World War I time period, so Battlefield 1 treads somewhat new ground. Still, how long will it stay popular, until everyone goes back to their Halo and Call of Duty games? Speaking of first person shooter games, I'm looking forward to hearing about Titanfall 2. The first Titanfall game ushered in the current console generation. It was great at displaying the potentials of this console generation, but it really lacked a single player campaign. Titanfall 2 promised to fix that with a traditional single player campaign. This might be the best game EA can present. For those who prefer their shooters to be from the third person point of view, Mass Effect Andromeda would be the game from them. It's been 4 years since the last Mass Effect game came out. The Mass Effect fanboys will be drooling to hear another game from their beloved series. But rumor has its just from the same universe, but not a direct sequel. This can sometimes be a difficult task, especially if fans have become attached to the previous characters. EA is going to have to show off the fact that Mass Effect Andromeda still looks and feels like a Mass Effect game. As long as EA can show they are faithful to their franchises, yet continually improving them, they will have a good E3.


Last year, Bethesda had their first press conference. They didn't do too shabby on their first try. Yeah, they spent too much time on the newest Doom game to get a flavor of what other games they were bringing, but Doom was the Bethesda game that left the audience the most awestruck, so maybe it was worth. This year, I want to see more variety. Unfortunately, I don't think I will get it. I think they will spend most of their time talking about Dishonored 2. They will display it with a trailer, a game demo and developer interviews, giving it the full treatment. Yet I need to see more than just this. I need to see that Bethesda can make more than action/adventure games, like Doom and Dishonored 2. Without more variety, I see Bethesda having a fleeting popularity. Yeah, sure, the build-up excitement prior to the game's release will get everyone riled up, but once the game comes out, Bethesda will have nothing left.


You might remember that Ubisoft is my favorite third party developer right now. Don't think of it as bias. It has earned that spot. Year after year, Ubisoft has continued to develop a plethora of games from a wide array of game genres, suiting every gamer. This year, I expect the same from them. For the hack and slash gamer, they will present For Honor. They presented this game at last year's E3, and it immediately caught my attention. I can't wait to see what new developments they made on the game that will catch my attention again. For the RPG gamer, they will South Park: The Fractured But Whole. The first South Park game did a good job of spoofing the fantasy game, yet it was a good RPG within itself. I know this is another game they announced last year, but once again, I'm looking forward to hearing what kind of developments they made, and seeing a good game demo. For the shooter gamer, they will present Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands. Once again, yes, I know they announced this at last year's E3, but I'm excited to hear how they put a nature spin on a open world game. For the action/adventure gamer is the game I'm most excited to hear about: Watch Dogs 2. I've already heard a lot about it. I like they are introducing cooperative multiplayer. I like they are making everything electronic hackable, almost to the point you become that object. Most importantly, I like that they are giving their main character more of a personality. While I am sad there is no new game for my favorite Ubisoft action/adventure game, Assassin's Creed, I think that Watch Dogs 2 will be the most impressive game Ubisoft has to show off. My only concern for Ubisoft in this E3 is that a lot of their games will be games previously announced at last E3. They are going to have to show they have been working on these games. If they can, they will have a successful E3. If they cannot, then then will have to surprise us with new games, or else they will fail.

Let the presentations begin! :)